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The league branch of the ecological company held a special education meeting

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2024-01-22 11:30 Number of readings:


为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,推动团员和青年主题教育走深走实,On January 17, the League branch of the ecological company held a meeting of members and youth theme education thematic organizations。

At the meeting, the secretary of the League branch reported the development of the theme education of the members and youth, informed the problems existing in the work of the league branch, affirmed the achievements and pointed out the shortcomings。Members of the league branch and other league members made speeches in turn, summing up problems in ideological politics and work and life, exchanging experiences, identifying deficiencies, analyzing reasons, and proposing corrective measures, while other league members made criticism and suggestions one by one。Subsequently, all the members carried out democratic evaluation on each other according to the guiding standards and reference rules of advanced evaluation, and followed the principle of fairness and justice。At the end of the meeting, the secretary of the league branch led all the members to take a solemn oath, review the oath to join the league, and remind every member present not to forget the original heart and remember the mission。

This special organizing life is an important measure to ensure the effectiveness of the theme education of the members and youth。In the future, the league branch of the ecological company will focus"Cast loyalty to the Party, firm ideals and beliefs, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and have the courage to bear responsibility" goals and tasks, and lead the members and young people to have the courage to bear, strive for success, and be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to bear, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle。(Dai Ge Zheng)