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Ecological company held a flood control work deployment meeting

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2023-06-06 11:34 Number of readings:


       For the in-depth implementation of the provincial defense general530Whole provinceFlood control work video scheduling conference spirit,62On the same day, the ecological company held a meeting on flood control work deployment

      As requested by the meeting,一是要提高政治站位,深刻领会深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于防汛救灾工作的重要指示精神,主要负责人要深入一线、靠前指挥,坚决克服麻痹思想和侥幸心理,时刻保持高度警觉,严格压实、做细各项防范措施。二是Fully understand the severity and complexity of this year's rain and flood situation,Be mentally alert,Get into battle mode quickly,We will speed up preparations for flood control and disaster relief,Keep an eye on key areas such as flash floods, mud-rock flows and landslide prone areas,Solidly carry out the investigation and rectification of flood control hazards,Take effective measures immediately to detect hidden dangers,Prompt rectification。三是It is necessary to strengthen early warning, strict duty, layer upon layer compaction of post responsibilities, strengthen the overall coordination and leading role of prevention and control at all levels, fully implement the responsibility system for flood control, strengthen 24-hour duty and supervision and inspection, and ensure that various measures are implemented in place。(王 琛)