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Ecological Company held the recent and May Day holiday safety and environmental work deployment meeting

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2023-04-26 17:31 Number of readings:


       On April 25, the ecological company organized various departments and subsidiaries to make deployment arrangements for the recent and May Day holiday safety and environmental protection work。The meeting conveyed the requirements of the Group company's "Reminder Letter on Further strengthening recent safety and environmental protection work",学习了省长赵刚在全省Safe production暨防汛抗旱工作视频会议讲话精神、《陕西环保产业集团有限责任公司关于转发<陕西省秦岭生态环境保护委员会全体会议纪要>的通知》。

       The meeting pointed out that the company should deeply understand the importance of the current safety and environmental protection work, further consolidate the main responsibility of safety and environmental protection, grasp the safety work, and ensure the stable operation of environmental protection facilities。
       As requested by the meeting,一是Attach great importance to, strengthen organizational leadership, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibility, so as to prevent problems before they happen。二是Comprehensive investigation, eliminate all kinds of safety and environmental protection risks, strengthen the concept of "hidden dangers are accidents, accidents must be dealt with", do a good job in the early stage of safety and environmental protection problems rectification work, the normal implementation of hidden dangers investigation, so as to establish and reform。三是Prepare for the rainy day, improve the flood control capacity, we must adhere to advance deployment, forward force, and resolutely build a strong flood disaster defense line。四是Strengthen duty, earnestly implement the 24-hour emergency duty system, and ensure the stability of the safety and environmental protection situation。五是Holiday travel pay attention to prevent driving and personal safety。(张伟)